Girdwood Area Plan
Preceding Plans and Planners Timeline
Collected by Lewis Leonard, co-Chair Girdwood Area Plan Review Committee
Photo by Ollie Paterson
Anchorage & Girdwood Population by Decade
Year Anchorage Girdwood
2010 293,357 2440*
2000 260,283 1794
1990 226,338 1,221
1980 174,431 577
1970 124,542 144
1960 82,833 63
*2009 population
Population Source: 2008-2009 Girdwood Area Plan Update Technical Brief- CAC Discussion Draft
2023 Girdwood Trails Plan (pending with Planning & Zoning Commission)
2014 Girdwood South Townsite Area Plan Amendment
2009 Girdwood South Townsite Master Plan
2006-2007 Girdwood Area Plan Review Committee
2001 Girdwood Commercial Areas and Transportation Master Plan adopted February
1974 Turnagain Arm Management Plan for State Lands, ADNR October
1993 Girdwood Community Impact Study Published August
1987 Turnagain Arm Comprehensive Plan, a 20 year plan
1981 Anchorage Wetlands Management Plan
1979 Turnagain Arm Comprehensive Plan Adopted Dec 18: Assembly Ordinance 79-208 prepared by the Planning Department of the Municipality of Anchorage. Derived from the Anchorage Coastal Zone Management Plan (p11) and Girdwood Citizen land use committee (p12)
1975 Unification of the Borough of Anchorage with the City of Anchorage and the dissolution of all cities within the newly expanded boundaries, including the City of Girdwood
1974 Turnagain Arm Plan Concepts
Anchorage Coastal Zone Management Plan
1961-1975 City of Girdwood planned and managed land use within Glacier Valley
1949-1961 Girdwood Community Club planned and managed land use in Glacier Valley. Through the mid 1970s, the Club was the voice of the community, instrumental in land management and acquiring lands, developing infrastructure, and acquiring utilities for use by the citizens of Girdwood